How can plastisol transfers help your t-shirt business?

T-shirts are one of the most comfortable and versatile outfits that can be used in several ways to create various looks for various occasions. Especially graphic tees have become a wardrobe essential with their ability to help the wearer express themselves through different print designs. Basic tees, on the other hand, have the potential to be paired with different garments to enhance a look. They can also be customized for various occasions using graphic transfers. Through the years, many printing techniques have been developed to print different kinds of graphics on t-shirts. If you own a t-shirt business, you may already be aware of most of these techniques. Graphic t-shirt business owners are always looking for different print techniques and bulk graphic tees suppliers that can make their collections look different. Plastisol transfers have gained popularity in recent years, as it is very simple to apply and is cost-effective too.
What are plastisol transfers?
So what exactly are plastisol transfers? Before we go further, let's first understand the meaning of 'plastisol transfers'. They are screen-printed designs that are printed on special heat transfer paper and the design from the heat transfer paper can be printed onto the garments by heat pressing.
Advantages of plastisol transfers
Compared to other printing techniques, plastisol transfers are easier to work. Let's look at all the advantages of plastisol transfers in the t-shirt business.
1. Have a clean work area
If you plan to buy blank t-shirts wholesale and plastisol transfers separately and print them yourself or customize them based on your customer's needs, then you would need to allocate a special work area for the printing process. If you have tried screen printing, you would have realized how messy the process can get and it takes a great amount of effort to clean it. With plastisol transfers, you would require only a heat-pressing machine and a table. It is as simple as that. Thus you can keep the work area clean.
2. Less workload
Screen printing requires more work area, more precision, and in general more effort and time. As we have already mentioned, the process of printing using plastisol transfers is extremely simple as compared to printing using the screen-printing technique. They do not consume time or effort. The work area required is minimal and anybody can do it. So if you are planning to offer customized graphic tees to your customers, using plastisol transfers would be a good idea as compared to screen printing and other similar printing techniques. You can buy plastisol transfers in bulk and wholesale tees from good bulk t-shirt suppliers. Then use them based on your customer's requirements.
3. Cost-effective
When using the screen-printing technique, you would require a lot of time and effort to make the different screens according to the design and also print them on the fabric. Screen printing is a little more costly as it requires specialized screen printers to execute the work. It is also extremely time-consuming as compared to printing with plastisol transfers. If a design doesn't sell well, all the screens go completely wasted. This is not the case with plastisol transfers. When using plastisol transfers, since it is easier to work with and as it is more cost-efficient, there is more room for experimentation. You can try various designs in different colors and styles to achieve variety in your collection.
Especially, if you buy plastisol transfers in bulk, it can be beneficial. You can get them at reduced or discounted prices. This can save cost. You can create a more fun and interesting collection for your t-shirt business which can help you attract more customers. Purchasing plastisol transfers in bulk for your business can be a good investment.
Next, we will look at how to use them to help boost your business.
How can your t-shirt business benefit from plastisol transfers?
As a t-shirt business owner, you may be wondering if you can enhance your business by using plastisol transfers. Yes, you can! It entirely depends on the way you would like to use them or the way you want to market your tees.
1. Customized graphic tees
You may want to sell customized graphic tees. In this case, you can buy wholesale t-shirts or wholesale blank tees and plastisol transfers in bulk separately. Then allow your customer to mix and match the tee and design to get a custom-printed t-shirt.
2. Sell as is
You can also buy wholesale plastisol transfers and sell them as is to other companies who are into customization or to individual buyers who wish to print designs onto their existing t-shirts by themselves. As it is extremely easy to apply, plastisol transfers are being bought by many customers who wish to create graphic tees for their personal use. Your brand could target such customers. In such a scenario, it would be advisable to buy wholesale plastisol transfers from reputed companies and sell them as single designs to individual customers for their personal use.
How can Lucky and Blessed Life/ Lucky Wholesale help?
While looking to buy plastisol transfers in bulk, it is always better to choose a reliable and trustworthy supplier who can provide unique designs, offer reasonable prices for bulk orders, and value their relationship with their clients. Finding wholesale t-shirt design companies or good wholesale plastisol transfer suppliers can be challenging. However, with time and effort, you can find good suppliers who meet your requirements.
Are you looking to buy plastisol transfers in bulk with interesting designs? Lucky and Blessed Life/ Lucky Wholesale is a family-owned business that offers a variety of plastisol transfers. These are easy to use. We make new designs often, due to which we can offer a large variety of designs for you to choose from.
Apart from graphic transfers, we also have a huge collection of graphic tees and blanks. We source all our tees from brands that use ethical productional practices as our company believes in those same values. We also guarantee that our products are 100% cruelty-free. If you wish to purchase wholesale t-shirts or bulk graphic tees from us, we require you to fill out a wholesale application to create your account. Using this account you can check out our entire collection and choose from a wide range of high-quality wholesale graphic t-shirts, blank t-shirts, graphic transfers, etc. for different age groups- adults, youth, and more.